Fall 2019 Classes
Registration is Open!
Email soundofnatureschool@gmail.com to register!
Fall 2019 Schedule Dates
14 wks of classes
August-December 2019, 14 weeks of classes
Classes Run Aug 19th-Dec 13th 2019
Labor Day week, off Sept 2-6th
Fall Break week, off Oct 14-18th
Thanksgiving Break week, off Nov 25-29th
Fall 2019 Schedule Dates
14 wks of classes
August-December 2019, 14 weeks of classes
Classes Run Aug 19th-Dec 13th 2019
Labor Day week, off Sept 2-6th
Fall Break week, off Oct 14-18th
Thanksgiving Break week, off Nov 25-29th

Herbs and Body Systems (2 Spots left)
Tuesday 11:00-3:00 pm
Ages 10-15
Max: 10 participants
$105/month (Aug-Dec) + $40 one time materials fee
Instructor: Susan Edwards
Plants and the human body go hand in hand, and they also go way back! There are a wealth of medicinal plants that have an affinity for specific body systems and functions. These plants help our bodies heal themselves. Learn the different organs and systems in our bodies and the plants and their properties that help support those specific body functions. This class combines components of biology, anatomy, ethnobotany, biochemistry, herbal medicine, and naturalist skills, as participants navigate their way through the body systems and the eco systems. We will use plants as our guide and our organ systems as the outline. This class will combine both indoor and outdoor experiences. Throughout the semester we will experience a range of activities from hiking & wild crafting, herbal medicine prep in the kitchen, reading from the herb text, coloring, sketching, writing, playing games, formulating, listening, processing, and more.
This class requires a one time materials fee ($40) that will purchase each participant 2 supporting texts to be used in class and taken home throughout the semester/year. Each participant will receive their own copy of:
- Body into Balance: a holistic guide to herbal self care by Maria Noêl Groves
- The herbaceous human coloring book by @theherbaceoushuman team.
Music on the Mountain
Tuesday 3:30-5:30
Ages: 10+
Max: 6 participants
$80 monthly (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Dan Edwards
In this class, we will explore music and its relationship to the natural world. Field recordings of instruments, voice and the sounds of nature will be made after hiking into Stone Mountain Park. We will compare these to recordings made indoors and use the sounds we gather in nature to make music. In addition, we will work on playing music together as a group and learning to share musical ideas through songwriting. Some experience with playing an instrument is preferred.
Herbs and Body Systems (2 Spots left)
Tuesday 11:00-3:00 pm
Ages 10-15
Max: 10 participants
$105/month (Aug-Dec) + $40 one time materials fee
Instructor: Susan Edwards
Plants and the human body go hand in hand, and they also go way back! There are a wealth of medicinal plants that have an affinity for specific body systems and functions. These plants help our bodies heal themselves. Learn the different organs and systems in our bodies and the plants and their properties that help support those specific body functions. This class combines components of biology, anatomy, ethnobotany, biochemistry, herbal medicine, and naturalist skills, as participants navigate their way through the body systems and the eco systems. We will use plants as our guide and our organ systems as the outline. This class will combine both indoor and outdoor experiences. Throughout the semester we will experience a range of activities from hiking & wild crafting, herbal medicine prep in the kitchen, reading from the herb text, coloring, sketching, writing, playing games, formulating, listening, processing, and more.
This class requires a one time materials fee ($40) that will purchase each participant 2 supporting texts to be used in class and taken home throughout the semester/year. Each participant will receive their own copy of:
- Body into Balance: a holistic guide to herbal self care by Maria Noêl Groves
- The herbaceous human coloring book by @theherbaceoushuman team.
Music on the Mountain
Tuesday 3:30-5:30
Ages: 10+
Max: 6 participants
$80 monthly (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Dan Edwards
In this class, we will explore music and its relationship to the natural world. Field recordings of instruments, voice and the sounds of nature will be made after hiking into Stone Mountain Park. We will compare these to recordings made indoors and use the sounds we gather in nature to make music. In addition, we will work on playing music together as a group and learning to share musical ideas through songwriting. Some experience with playing an instrument is preferred.

Junior Naturalist Class (WAITLIST)
Wednesday 11:00- 3:00pm
Ages: 5-7
Max: 6 participants
$95/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
Come run, jump, and play in some of the most exquisite preserved nature areas within the Atlanta area, at Stone Mountain Park. This class will adventure and explore as we learn about the nature around us, within us, and how those combine. We will immerse ourselves in the woodland and mountain trails around the magnificent monadnock, Stone Mountain, one of the worlds largest exposed granite outcrops. There are creeks, trails, ancient trees, and boulders to explore and even wildlife that is specifically suited to that type of environment. Participants will need to bring a small day pack to carry their water, packed lunch, back up clothes, and whatever they like to adventure with along with them. Comfortable fitting clothes and shoes for hiking and water play will be best.
Junior Naturalist Class (WAITLIST)
Wednesday 11:00- 3:00pm
Ages: 5-7
Max: 6 participants
$95/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
Come run, jump, and play in some of the most exquisite preserved nature areas within the Atlanta area, at Stone Mountain Park. This class will adventure and explore as we learn about the nature around us, within us, and how those combine. We will immerse ourselves in the woodland and mountain trails around the magnificent monadnock, Stone Mountain, one of the worlds largest exposed granite outcrops. There are creeks, trails, ancient trees, and boulders to explore and even wildlife that is specifically suited to that type of environment. Participants will need to bring a small day pack to carry their water, packed lunch, back up clothes, and whatever they like to adventure with along with them. Comfortable fitting clothes and shoes for hiking and water play will be best.

Naturalist Class (WAITLIST)
Thursday 11:00-2:45pm
Ages: 8-13
Max: 10 participants
$90/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
This class is always an epic adventure, full of kid & nature magic! Students will immerse themselves in the wilds around one of the world’s largest exposed pieces of granite, the monadnock known as Stone Mountain. The ancient soils found in these woodland trails are intact and full of life. This unique ecosystem provides the perfect setting for all kinds of Naturalist adventures and discoveries. A different combination of trails can be taken each time since there are miles of Nature to explore, both on and off the Mtn, that are preserved within this large park. Each class session, lead out in nature, will focus on a certain lens of the Naturalist scope including: entomology, mycology, botany, dendrology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, and ecology. We’ll explore their interrelation and then dive deeper into that chosen focus each week.
Music in the Real World (WAITLIST)
Thursday 3:00-5:00pm
Ages 8+
Max: 6 participants
$80/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Dan Edwards
In this class, we will explore technical basics of Recording and Instrument Maintenance through this highly interactive and hands-on approach within a personal in-home recording studio. Basic elements of Music Theory will be introduced. Song structure and lyrical development will be explored within the context of songwriting. Students will have the opportunity to write and record their own songs. They will have access to experiment with many instruments including but not limited to guitar, bass, banjo, fiddle, as well as drums and piano during classes.
Naturalist Class (WAITLIST)
Thursday 11:00-2:45pm
Ages: 8-13
Max: 10 participants
$90/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
This class is always an epic adventure, full of kid & nature magic! Students will immerse themselves in the wilds around one of the world’s largest exposed pieces of granite, the monadnock known as Stone Mountain. The ancient soils found in these woodland trails are intact and full of life. This unique ecosystem provides the perfect setting for all kinds of Naturalist adventures and discoveries. A different combination of trails can be taken each time since there are miles of Nature to explore, both on and off the Mtn, that are preserved within this large park. Each class session, lead out in nature, will focus on a certain lens of the Naturalist scope including: entomology, mycology, botany, dendrology, herpetology, ornithology, mammalogy, and ecology. We’ll explore their interrelation and then dive deeper into that chosen focus each week.
Music in the Real World (WAITLIST)
Thursday 3:00-5:00pm
Ages 8+
Max: 6 participants
$80/month (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Dan Edwards
In this class, we will explore technical basics of Recording and Instrument Maintenance through this highly interactive and hands-on approach within a personal in-home recording studio. Basic elements of Music Theory will be introduced. Song structure and lyrical development will be explored within the context of songwriting. Students will have the opportunity to write and record their own songs. They will have access to experiment with many instruments including but not limited to guitar, bass, banjo, fiddle, as well as drums and piano during classes.

Fridays (Once monthly)
Adult Medicinal Plant Walk w/ Childcare
Friday, monthly, 11:00-1:15pm
(Class dates: Aug 30, Sept 20, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 13)
Ages: Adults
Max: 10 participants (note-childcare max limit may fill before participant limit).
$35/month includes price of adult & 1 child. $5 each additional child (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
We are excited to present a new option from SNS inspired by many requests to offer an adult herbal class! Susan is experienced in teaching adults through other outlets of her career, and so we are happy to now bring one to the SNS lineup. The Adult Medicinal Plant Walk price includes the added bonus of a fun playgroup childcare option, if needed by the participant, facilitated by Dan Edwards. The adults can enjoy a guided retreat in nature, while the kids happily play together. The playgroup option is available for kids in the age range from 4-12 years. Kids will need to bring a packed lunch and water with them to enjoy during the care. Teens 13+ may join the adult plant walk with their guardian if interested.
Sound of Nature School provides a sibling discount of 10% off your full term tuition when enrolling two or more children in our programs.
Adult Medicinal Plant Walk w/ Childcare
Friday, monthly, 11:00-1:15pm
(Class dates: Aug 30, Sept 20, Oct 25, Nov 22, Dec 13)
Ages: Adults
Max: 10 participants (note-childcare max limit may fill before participant limit).
$35/month includes price of adult & 1 child. $5 each additional child (Aug-Dec)
Instructor: Susan Edwards
We are excited to present a new option from SNS inspired by many requests to offer an adult herbal class! Susan is experienced in teaching adults through other outlets of her career, and so we are happy to now bring one to the SNS lineup. The Adult Medicinal Plant Walk price includes the added bonus of a fun playgroup childcare option, if needed by the participant, facilitated by Dan Edwards. The adults can enjoy a guided retreat in nature, while the kids happily play together. The playgroup option is available for kids in the age range from 4-12 years. Kids will need to bring a packed lunch and water with them to enjoy during the care. Teens 13+ may join the adult plant walk with their guardian if interested.
Sound of Nature School provides a sibling discount of 10% off your full term tuition when enrolling two or more children in our programs.